Alternation Symposium

Visions for the future

Before large scale transformation can occur in any place it is necessary to develop a shared vision for better futures. AlterNation helps neighborhoods create a collaborative vision for development and safety. Our vision-creation activities comprise Summits and Search Conferences.

Search Conferences

The Search Conference is a well-established method for gaining consensus among many diverse groups. It lasts from one to three days and our experts guide neighborhood stakeholders through an innovative 5-stage visioning process that produces a plan for future development, safety, and community-building.

We have conducted Search Conferences in Sacramento, New Orleans, Toronto, Calgary, and other cities around the world.

SafeGrowth Summits


Each year we conduct small collaborative gatherings where we provide training and practical workshops for hosting communities. We assemble members of our SafeGrowth Network from around the world – experts in community-building, CPTED, new policing strategies, SafeGrowth planning. During the Summit, we offer the sponsoring community access to our experts through formal public presentations and workshops or informal consulting. We have run our Summits in Mexico, Canada and the U.S.

For more details on our vision-building activities please contact us

For more on SafeGrowth® please visit the SafeGrowth® Network Website

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