Training /Certification

Training and Certification

We offer an entire suite of training and certification programs for

  • Professionals
  • Community members
  • Organizers
  • Urban design professionals
  • Students of urban safety.

Presentation in Sweden about SafeGrowth in New York City. Click the “play” button to view the video.


Our SG/CPTED Training is a Class A Course Accredited Program with the International CPTED Association’s ICCP CPTED certification program. Successful completion of the SG Training expedites ICCP certification and exempts applicants from submitting a ICCP Record Book.

Certification in the ICCP comprises 11 core competencies at two levels – Practitioner level requires completion of 8 core competencies. Professional level requires completion of 11 core competencies.

Our SafeGrowth/CPTED course is qualified by ICA as a Class A course in which the student completes all 8 of the Practitioner level core competencies within the course. Field project work and a written report is a required portion of this training.


SafeGrowth® Certification

CPTED certified practitioners are then eligible for certification in the SafeGrowth program. This is a personalized and mentored training based on a personal plan of study with a qualified SafeGrowth instructor.

The SafeGrowth® philosophy of neighborhood living embraces a new way to solve problems by residents themselves. SafeGrowth® produces livable places and safe spaces and it requires a unique set of skills to help communities discover how to implement their own SafeGrowth® plans.

SafeGrowth® Certification is a mentored program of self-directed, hands-on learning where apprentices master the skills and methods of SafeGrowth® while working with real-life community problems.

SafeGrowth® requires a special set of skills and competencies. The SafeGrowth® Advocate possesses skills in problem diagnosis and community development and experience with Livability Academies.

Completing SG Certification will license you as a SafeGrowth® Advocate qualified in all aspects of SafeGrowth® programming, SG Summits/Search Conferences, Livability Academies, Fulcrum mapping, and delivering the SG practitioner training.


Our CPTED / SafeGrowth Certification courses – Denver, Colorado

We run a bi-annual training course twice a year in Arvada (Denver)

  • January/March
  • July/August


Check our our last course

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